Toy Car - I drew something like this a while ago and modeled it here for a rhino class. A funny, little, toy car.
Diecast Toy F14 - This was about the size of a hot wheels but way better because it was a plane!
Jewelry Box - A model of my wife's small jewelry box. The cut glass on the top was a little tricky, but I finally got it.
My cell phone - A render of my cell phone.
Capsule Head Toy Robot - I had done this in Illustrator a few semesters ago (it's in the Pretty Render Practice folder) and here it is in Rhino! It is a little toy robot with a capsule head. Trinkets could be placed in the head making it possible to use it for packaging or something. I don't know, I just think it's cute.
Capsule Head Toy Robot - I had done this in Illustrator a few semesters ago (it's in the Pretty Render Practice folder) and here it is in Rhino! It is a little toy robot with a capsule head. Trinkets could be placed in the head making it possible to use it for packaging or something. I don't know, I just think it's cute.
Whimsical Travel Mug - This was my wife's idea, and I thought is was cute, so I modeled it in rhino. It is a travel mug with wheels so that you could pull it around your desktop with a string. Not the most practical, but fun.
Cleaner Bottle - This was mostly produced by following a tutorial. I did figure out how to do the label though, so that was good.
Diecast Toy F14 - This was about the size of a hot wheels but way better because it was a plane!
Diecast Toy F14 - This was about the size of a hot wheels but way better because it was a plane!
Rhino render of a shoe - Again, this is a model of a design I had come up with a couple years ago. And yes, I modeled the stitching even though it doesn't make to much sense from a practical standpoint. My fingers are sore from all that clicking. I should have listened to Michael Harris!
Rhino Render Class
Michael Battersby
Technical Designer at Moss Retail & Environments Chicago, IL