BBOY BATTLE - Break dancing challenge for McDonald's, promoting a new 'Open 24 hours' initiative in and around D.C. One Show Merit Award Adobe Site of the Day
BCBS Compliment Generator - Government employees spend their days helping others. Now, they can give and receive some love digitally, using this friendly Compliment Generator. Visit: <>
u-completeme - Real-time community targeting call-center employees proving just how smart and sexy B-2-B software can be.
The Eclipse - Commissioned by local Home Builder Comstock Homes to redesign The Eclipse, their latest condominium project, opening its doors this month. Visit
Amtrak, Acela - Acela's daily schedule is extensive, and research showed most travelers were not aware. This unique banner campaign uses the computers' system time to determine and display the appropriate number of trains departing from a number of (geo-targeted) location.
IDMS Voice Recog. - Concept design for IDMS, which uses voice recognition software to verify user data. Content is presented visually or audibly, in various voices, or accents. Users could then record their own voice to see how it’s encrypted and eventually verified.
Virginia Hospital Center - Concept design and direction for Virginia Hospital Center. Created in association with Adworks. VHC needed a unique and engaging way to speak with a select (female) audience about sensitive health issues.
Jeff McWeeney
Interactive Designer/Creative Director Reston, VA