A brand project for Brewery X including a brand mark and identity system. The brand exploration was developed for a mature audience that was a result from the concept of appreciating history and craftsmanship. The color palette was discovered from personal photographs taken from a site visit of the new brewery in Eden Park. Primary Logo
Secondary Logo
This package system is designed to promote Brewery’s design concept of history and craftsmanship. The labels are a collage of historical events, which involved the Eden Pump Station. The colors were chosen from elements found within the building main glass window. Each color is used to define an individual flavor and package color is reflected in this selection.
India Pale Ale Beer Bottle
India Pale Ale Package Design
An informational booklet and specialty beer insert designed as a supplemental support to the brand system concept. The booklet allows the users to be educated in this history of the brewery’s building and the craftsmanship of making craft beers. The specialty beer insert includes monthly and seasonal beers being served at the brewery.
The project included a system designed to reflect the brand identity of Brewery X. The signage and way finding system was designed to guide the customer to and around the brewery facility. Exterior Signage System
Interior Signage System
Brewery X - Brand Identity
Melissa McManis
Graphic Designer Cincinnati, OH