Pattern and Repetition, 2015. *Pattern/Repetition: Occurs over and over again in a composition. It can repeat a variation of the pattern.
Movement, 2015. *Movement: Adds excitement to the photo by showing action and directing the viewers eyes throughout the picture plane.
Contrast, 2015. *Contrast: Refers to the opposites and differences in the work. You can achieve variety by using different shapes, textures, colors, and values in your work.
Balance, 2015. *Balance: Creates a sense of stability in the body of the work. Balance can be created by repeating some shapes and by creating a feeling of equal weight.
Size and Scale, 2015. *Size/Scale: Using the human reference of a human within the image to relate to the size of it's surrounding objects.
Movement and Form, 2015. *Movement: The movement is present in the image, because the chimes are swaying back and forth causing movement. *Form: The element shape is presented in this photo, because the chimes are in a cylinder sort of shape. This element is more form, because of the fact that it is a three dimensional shape.
Unity, 2015. *Unity: Is seen in a painting or a photo when all parts equal a whole.
Emphasis, 2015. *Emphasis: the composition refers to developing parts of interest to pull the viewers eye to important parts of the body of the work.
Principles of Design

The principles of design are used to create artistic, interesting, more visually powerful photographs.

*The Rule of Thirds: When a grid is displayed on the LCD display, or when using the cropping tool, you want to avoid anything being in the center square in the grid.

Taylor McConley
Student Sparta Township, NJ