My 3D Printer

I reocognised the potential of 3D printing before I began my studies in Industrial Design, however due to the lack of a printing fascility in our department I took it upon myself to build one of my own.
Based on the popular open-source model the reprap Prusa, I built my one version using a Perspex frame. This printer runs off the Arduino mega and a Ramps 1.4 board. It has a print resolution of 25 micron, auto-leveling and a build volume of 250x250x200 (LxWxH). My preferred material of printing is ABS despite its warping tendancies. This project forced me to gain knowledge in Ardiuno language C++ as well as the intimate mechnical workings of an FDM printer.

Mikhail Wertheim Aymes
Industrial Designer & Strategist London, United Kingdom