Fahrenheit 451 (Packaging Project) - This design won a Student Gold ADDY for District 3. It was a class project, which was to re-design a book sleeve of our choice.
Bella Dental - Assignment: Design a series of ads for the Yellow Pages
Surge Cover - Design was chosen to be on the front page of a local newspaper
FURY - Assignment: Design a new and unique bottle and a promotional ad for the product.
Packaging Assignment: Re-design a package of your choice three-dimensionally
The Future - Entered into a billboard competition.
Assigment: Design a magazine spread
Tokyo - Assignment: Design an original font and use it in a travel campaign to a city of your choice. The font I designed is used in Tokyo and Japan
Packaging Assignment: Re-Design product of your choice
LP - Assignment: Design a poster for some type of venue
University Portfolio

School Projects when I attended Coastal Carolina University. Received a Bachelors Degree in Art Studio.

Michael Lally
Graphic Designer Rockledge, FL