Marvel's Ultimate Spider-Man: Gallery Edition Style Guide.
Marvel's Ultimate Spider-Man: Gallery Edition Style Guide.
Marvel's Ultimate Spider-Man: Gallery Edition Style Guide.
Marvel's Ultimate Spider-Man: Gallery Edition Style Guide.
Marvel's Ultimate Spider-Man: Gallery Edition Style Guide.
Marvel's Ultimate Spider-Man: Gallery Edition Style Guide.
Marvel's Ultimate Spider-Man: Gallery Edition Style Guide.
Marvel's Ultimate Spider-Man: Publishing Style Guide.
Marvel's Ultimate Spider-Man: Publishing Style Guide.
Marvel's Ultimate Spider-Man: Publishing Style Guide.
Marvel's Ultimate Spider-Man: Publishing Style Guide.
Marvel's Ultimate Spider-Man: Publishing Style Guide.
Marvel's Ultimate Spider-Man: Publishing Style Guide.
Marvel's Ultimate Spider-Man: Publishing Style Guide.
Marvel's Ultimate Spider-Man: Publishing Style Guide.
Marvel's Ultimate Spider-Man: Publishing Style Guide.
Marvel's Ultimate Spider-Man: The Sinister 6 Style Guide.
Marvel's Ultimate Spider-Man: The Sinister 6 Style Guide.
Marvel's Ultimate Spider-Man: The Sinister 6 Style Guide.
Marvel's Ultimate Spider-Man: The Sinister 6 Style Guide.
Marvel's Ultimate Spider-Man: The Sinister 6 Style Guide.
Marvel's Ultimate Spider-Man: The Sinister 6 Style Guide.
Style Guides

Style Guide design includes the layout, branding, graphic elements, and product application for licensees.

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Freelance, Full-time, Moonlighting
Mayela Gutierrez
Senior Designer / Production Artist Los Angeles, CA