Trends\forecast and Bags development

Study Trend and forecast of SS-12 and develop a Theme Board. Design a collection of Men’s and Women’s Bag design based on the forecast

Bags based on the Following themes :
Geo-Transformation and Radical

Idea behind the Geo-Transformation theme was to inspire from the geometry in technology, Architecture and space. Geo-Transformation Collection inspired from the Basic Shapes like Sphere, Box, Pyramid, square, circle or rectangle, origami forms and asymmetric forms.

Radical: Means the arising from and Favoring or effecting fundamental or revolutionary changes in current practices , conditions. Radical Collection inspired from the heavy constructions and raw forms like chains, rivets and large architectures which look heavy and bold. And overall look like a rebellious to show himself as a bold and ready to do Experiment.

Development of Leather Swatches for embellishments and Surface Techniques.

Mayank Kaushal
Accessory/Product Designer lucknow, India