draw cool things (software) - i made this software please download it here: http://www.deviantart.com/download/116648186/draw_cool_things_SOFTWARE_by_mashita.jar its sooooooooo FUN the size its very small and you dont have to install it on you computer. draw with the mouse change the way you draw holding the left button restart holding the right botton of you mouse and when you finish. just click any letter on your keyboard. made in processing 1.0
Evolution (software) - made in processing 1.0 download it here : http://www.deviantart.com/download/113394585/Evolution_by_mashita.jar
knowledge (software) - made in processing 1.0 download it here: http://www.deviantart.com/download/112851838/Knowledge_by_mashita.jar
Processing - interactive design
Jorge Luis Maya
Designer San Francisco, CA