65% of the of the world´s waste is organic material. what if we take advantage of this and convert waste in savings for everyone, the planet, the users... just think about it. I present eComposter, is a digester system for the generation of alternative urban household gas through fermentation of organic waste.
manufactured from sugar cain extract bio-polyethylene , we propose materials from renewable sources, it has less impact on the enviorement and it is also completely biodegradable.
it was thought as a complement of the actual household gas system. the system decides whether to use bio-gas or domestic gas, depending on the gas level
the only " waste" is actually perfect to fertilize gardens or any kind of vegetation.
the system monitors gas, compost material and microrganism levels .
Haceb Proyecta Sostenibilidad 2012, Poster competition.
eComposter- Winner Haceb Proyecta 2012 Design Competition

eComposter, is a digester system for the generation of alternative urban household gas through fermentation of organic waste.

Mauricio Issa
Industrial Designer/ Industrial Engineer New York, NY