WTC memorial wall design - Polished black granite wall, with LED illuminated photos of each of the victims. It also has their names laser engraved.
WTC Master Plan - The image shows the Master Plan for the WTC NYC Landmark Competition.
WTC Monument - The WTC monument is a giant arch reminiscent of classical Roman arches, with the two WTC towers inside a circle representing world trade. The side walls of the WTC towers have cascading waterfalls.
Slow-Food Restaurant
Slow-Food Restaurant
Interior of the Slow Food restaurant
One-story house Main façade (flat roof)
One-story house Main façade (pitched roof)
Pedestrian Bridge - The main purpose of having round balconies at both ends and also in the center of the bridge, is to have the possibility of directing the bridge and stairs at different angles as required by the site.
Parking building
Kindergarten terrace renovation project. The project consisted of the renovation of the terrace area and the construction of an open staircase, also included the design of a new perimeter fence and a new entrance.
Kindergarten Terrace Renovation Project
Remodeling project of the main façade of a house. (Before & After)
Temazcal (old steam bath) - An existing commercial space was remodeled to include an old Mexican steam bath, called "Temazcal".
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The urban furniture design proposal was designed in collaboration with Moisés Zabludovsky and consists of two parallel steel plates, on which the words "Shady Space" and a roof to shelter from the sun are formed. The giant typography makes it easy to locate this structure from afar. This street furniture is designed for easy assembly and the seating is part of the structure (it includes two seats and two lounge seats).
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Terrace Renovation
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Terrace Renovation (2)
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Redesign of Tech Data Mexico's façade
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Sidewalk bollards
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Redesign of the existing bollards on Presidente Masaryk Avenue in Mexico City.
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Material exploded views of the bollard redesign
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Architectural Design
Mauricio González Kladiano
Architect & Industrial Designer Mexico City, Mexico