Type Specimen 1 - This is a type specimen created for the font Futura Bold. 3/10/11
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Type Specimen 2 - This is a type specimen for the Font called "Comic Sans". 3/10/11
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Type Specimen 3 - This is a type specimen for the font known as "Didot". 3/10/11
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Lego Expanded View Project - This project consisted of taking a lego set redesigning it, and recreating the steps used to put the legos together on the computer.
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Prototype Website - A prototype website created for the popular kids book "I Dream A World For You". The site has functioning buttons, and an animated opening illustration.
Book Design - A redesign of the classic book "The Interpretation of Dreams" by Sigmund Freud.
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Typographic Portrait - Portrait of myself created with typography. Created on 2/10/11.
From Here to Haiti - A design for a DVD cover. It was for a documentary called from here to Haiti, created by a few students at Bowie State University. 1/10/11
Blackface Music Group Promo - A promo created to advertise for the group "Blackface"
Metamorphosis - A metamorphosis project combining my face with an animals.
Graphic Design