Motorstorm Arctic Edge
2009 - Motorstorm: Arctic Edge
Developer: Bigbig Studios / SCEE
Format: PlayStation Portable
Motorstorm: Arctic Edge was undoubtedly the most enjoyable and rewarding project I have been fortunate enough to work on. I was responsible for creating two of the six available environments (constituting 4 tracks). Wolfpack Mountain set the scene as the first available track in the game and was designed to be fast, open, flat and easy to navigate (it also served as the vertical slice for the game). Vertigo, by contrast, was the location for the final climactic races and amped everything up to 11. Motorstorm: Arctic Edge was an opportunity to really push what was achievable on Sony's PlayStation Portable and we took it to another level (both visually and technically). A project I'm personally very proud of.
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