Ball of Light, 2014. Camera Settings: Shutter Speed- Bulb Aperture- 5.6 ISO- 400
Light Collage, 2014. Photoshop: -Cropped "A", "t", "o" a", "m" and "z" from four different photos with random lines of red to spell out "Atomz" -Warped and rotated all letters -Utilized brush tool with red and black to make background - Cropped out the ball of light, painted the ball of light in red, gray and black. -Warped and rotated every ball of light -Adjusted curves on all balls of light -Added auto contrast
Jumpology, 2014. Camera Settings: Shutter Speed-1/1000 Aperture- 5.6 ISO- 400 Photoshop: -Made black and white -Adjusted curves -Added auto contrast
Jumpology Artist Choice, 2014. Camera Settings: Shutter Speed- 1/1000 Aperture- 5.6 ISO- 400 Photoshop: -Made sepia -Added mosaic tiles filter to give texture -Adjusted curves -Added auto contrast
Shutter Speed

Shutter Speed: The fraction of time, in seconds, in which the shutter remains open while taking a photograph. The slower the shutter speed, the longer the shutter remains open, which also allows more light to enter the picture. The shutter speed and aperture together determine the amount of light that reaches the sensor. Shutter speed is measured in fractions of a second, such as 1/60, 1/30, 1/15, 1/8, 1/4, 1/2, and 1.

Matthew Mayer
Student Sparta Township, NJ