Danger Zone, 2014. The danger zone is an area that the player must spend 12 hours of the day in. In this area, the player is able to try to eliminate one of the other 35 players to win the game. It is a complete free for all in this landscape, and any part of the mountain is "fair game" Photoshop: Created panorama Adjusted Contrast Made Black and White Adjusted Contrast Burned leaves Adjusted curves
Safe Zone, 2014. This landscape is an area where players must spend no more or less than 12 hours of the day in. In this area, the player is safe from the other 35 players trying to win the game. Here, the player is able to rest up and prepare for the next time he or she needs to enter the danger zone. The pond is there for the players to hydrate and eat in order to maintain their strength. Photoshop: Made panorama Added contrast Adjusted curves Burned leaves Adjusted hues
Game Landscapes

This new high-tech game consists of a game where the player is able to switch from the safe zone, filled with color and the danger zone, which is black and white. There are 24 hour in a day, and the player is required to spend 12 hours of his or her day in each. These time intervals can be as long or short as the player would like, but the player must reach the requirements or he or she will be eliminated from the game. The game begins with 36 players, and is a free-for-all until there is only one player standing. When the players are in the safe zone, the colored landscape, the players cannot interact to take one another down. However, once a player enters the danger zone, or black and white landscape, every part of the mountain is free-for-all to overcome your opponent to get them out.

Matthew Mayer
Student Sparta Township, NJ