Red Beryl

Red Beryl, fast cruiser-racer.

This sailboat has next-generation solutions behind its vintage lines, starting from the use of wood technology patented by Alto Adriatico Shipyard, which supports the use of strip planking in the 1st layer, the cross laminated in the three successive layers and basalt fiber in the last layer.
The structure done this way has good mechanical characteristics, is characterized by the natural origin and by the high thermal and acoustic insulation.
The name of the boat, Red Beryl, bears within it the idea of uniqueness, salient characteristic of this boat, just like the natural gem, red emerald, the rarest in the world.

Dietro le sue linee vintage si celano soluzioni di ultima generazione, a cominciare dall’utilizzo della tecnologia del legno brevettata dal Cantiere navale Alto Adriatico, che affianca all’impiego dello strip planking nel 1° strato, il lamellare incrociato nei tre strati successivi e la fibra di basalto nell’ultimo strato.

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Matteo Baroni
Art Director, Yacht & Digital Product Designer Milano, Italy