Wireless Charging - The vehicle runs primarily on hydrogen fuel cells. This is supplemented by wireless charging of a secondary battery. A road infrastructure means the battery can charge as it passes 'wireless electricity hotspots' on the city roads. The vehicle can then rely solely on its battery so as not to waste hydrogen. Out of the city the vehicle runs on its hydrogen cells making it is self sufficient.
Electromagnetic Parking - The concept uses a space efficient method of parking. Electromagnets under the road and in the back of the car repel in the controlled area of the parking bay to lift the rear off the ground creating vertical parking. This is controlled by the front wheels which are always in contact with the road and brake to assist the vehicle reach its vertical storage height. The repellant electromagnetic field and the holding front wheels keep the car in its storage position.
Idea Generation - Congestion, Environmental issues and parking mean city driving will become more difficult in the future. This concept looks to help alleviate these issues without compromising user comfort and convenience with a minimalist theme.
City Concept Publication T3 Magazine - Publication In May 2009 T3 Magazine
City Concept Published on Tuvie.com
City Concept
Matt Bradbury
Automotive Design BA (Hons) With Professional Enhancement London, United Kingdom