VC100_Week5 VC100_Week5 from Mathew Fisher VC100_Week5 ArmadaWebdesign_Logo - Replications of existing logos using only the Pen Tool in Adobe Illustrator. AWW_Logo - Replications of existing logos using only the Pen Tool in Adobe Illustrator. InterVegan_Logo - Replications of existing logos using only the Pen Tool in Adobe Illustrator. Logitech_Logo - Replications of existing logos using only the Pen Tool in Adobe Illustrator. RUBLEVO_Logo - Replications of existing logos using only the Pen Tool in Adobe Illustrator. Samarras_Logo - Replications of existing logos using only the Pen Tool in Adobe Illustrator. Sidarta_Logo - Replications of existing logos using only the Pen Tool in Adobe Illustrator. WetInnovations_Logo - Replications of existing logos using only the Pen Tool in Adobe Illustrator. gLike VC100_Week5 Graphic Design Share R 7 n Mathew Fisher Mathew Fisher Issaquah, WA Follow Contact