Metal Peppa

Peppa Pig is a famous kid`s cartoon. On the Internet you can find a lot of material about it. Much of this material are videos making jokes and satires of it. My project consists of satire version as well. To do it, I used part of the original cartoon, keeping the original animation and audio, which is the first part of the video. After that, I introduce external audio and animation. The main external audio is a heavy metal song, a music genre that is not quite appreciate due to its enormous amount of sound information, which is hard to the brain “digests”, making it very often to be quoted as just “noise”. The animation part was made in Photoshop and exported to Adobe Premiere to be edited with the rest of the clips. It is a critique/joke to illustrate how people not used to heavy metal may feel when listening to it.

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Mateus Bistene
. Belo Horizonte, Brazil