Academic project conducted in the "3D Design: Product Design" subject under the guidance of the teacher Matthew Chan (Kwantlen Politechnic University) . It Includes the development of a product to explore appealing 3D forms. -------------------------------------------------- Projeto acadêmico realizado na matéria 3D Design: Product Design sob orientação do professor Matthew Chan (Kwantlen Politechnic University) . Contempla o desenvolvimento de um produto que explore formas atraentes.
Academic project conducted in the "3D Design: Product Design" subject under the guidance of the teacher Matthew Chan (Kwantlen Politechnic University) . It Includes the development of a product to explore appealing 3D forms. -------------------------------------------------- Projeto acadêmico realizado na matéria 3D Design: Product Design sob orientação do professor Matthew Chan (Kwantlen Politechnic University) . Contempla o desenvolvimento de um produto que explore formas atraentes.