Vodafone Brochure - Outside Layout in IQuark. Pictures imported as tiffs fr om Photoshop. Type and logo imported as EPS from Illustrator. Red Drop at front used as diecut.
Vodafone Brochure - Inside Layout in IQuark. Pictures imported as tiffs fr om Photoshop. Type and logo imported as EPS from Illustrator. Red Drop at front used as diecut.
Stiletto Photography Brochure - Outside Layout in IQuark. Pictures imported as tiffs from Photoshop. Type and logo imported as EPS from Illustrator.
Stiletto Photography Brochure - Inside Layout in IQuark. Pictures imported as tiffs fr om Photoshop. Type and logo imported as EPS from Illustrator.
Swatch Calendar 2008 - Layout in QuarkXpress creating master pages and templates. Clip art, logos, calendar clocks created in Illustrator. Photos croped and sized in Photoshop.
Swatch Calendar 2008 - Layout in QuarkXpress creating master pages and templates. Clip art, logos, calendar clocks created in Illustrator. Photos croped and sized in Photoshop.
Swatch Calendar 2008 - Layout in QuarkXpress creating master pages and templates. Clip art, logos, calendar clocks created in Illustrator. Photos croped and sized in Photoshop.
Swatch Calendar 2008 - Layout in QuarkXpress creating master pages and templates. Clip art, logos, calendar clocks created in Illustrator. Photos croped and sized in Photoshop.
Swatch Calendar 2008 - Layout in QuarkXpress creating master pages and templates. Clip art, logos, calendar clocks created in Illustrator. Photos croped and sized in Photoshop.
Swatch Calendar 2008 - Layout in QuarkXpress creating master pages and templates. Clip art, logos, calendar clocks created in Illustrator. Photos croped and sized in Photoshop.
Swatch Calendar 2008 - Layout in QuarkXpress creating master pages and templates. Clip art, logos, calendar clocks created in Illustrator. Photos croped and sized in Photoshop.
L'ail: Air France Newsletter - Duotone newsletter. Layout in QuarkXpress. Photos converted from RGBs to duotones and then clipped in Photoshop. Logo and chart created in Illustrator using same two PMS colors.
L'ail: Air France Newsletter - Duotone newsletter. Layout in QuarkXpress. Photos converted from RGBs to duotones and then clipped in Photoshop. Logo and chart created in Illustrator using same two PMS colors.
Mateo Rincon
Graphic Designer Brooklyn, NY