A series of illustrations created for videos that depict the ways that zoos and marine parks harm animals
Panda hecklers illustration created for a PETA Kids video that depicts how zoos hurt animals. http://www.petakids.com/videos/kids-stand-animals-captivity/
Kid in tub illustration created for PETA Kids videos about how zoos and marine parks harm animals. http://www.petakids.com/videos/kids-stand-animals-captivity/ and http://www.petakids.com/videos/kids-saying-seaworld/
Confined orca illustration created for PETA Kids videos about how zoos and marine parks harm animals. http://www.petakids.com/videos/kids-stand-animals-captivity/ and http://www.petakids.com/videos/kids-saying-seaworld/
Greedy businessmen illustration created for PETA Kids video marine parks harm animals. http://www.petakids.com/videos/kids-saying-seaworld/
PETA Kids video illustrations
A series of illustrations created for videos that depict the ways that zoos and marine parks harm animals