Fordham University. This 1 week experience at the college changed my life. I made new friends that i still keep in touch with and i will never forget them.
I go to New York City almost every weekend and its like my 2nd home. I always go with my best friend kayla and we always have the best times of our lives.
The day we took this picture we went to New York Film Academy and learned how to work the cameras they actually use during the making of a movie. This is what exactly what I want to do with my life and i finally got to try what i love to do.
Softball is the 2nd half of my life. When i'm not at school or hanging with my friends, i'm playing softball on the east coast. This picture was taken in Central Park NYC.
This is a day in life of me. All 4 of these pictures are my favorite things to do.
A day in the life

These photos are everything that i love to do. I love meeting new people. I love going to new york city and i love playing softball.