D.Life promo - Marketing promo for Heavy's original video content called D.Life.
Blisster Promo - Marketing Promo for Heavy's original video content called Blisster.
Sales Pitch - Video concept sales presentation pitched to Heineken.
Sales Pitch - Video concept sales presentation pitched to potential sponsors.
Sweepstakes Ad - Interstitial ad promoting Heavy's sweepstakes contest for Miss Howard TV.
Heavy Street Interstital Ad - Designed all artwork except logo to promote Heavy's video series called Heavy Street.
Interactive AT&T ad - Interactive ad presented to AT&T for potential ad sales.
Error Page - Designed the main graphic for Heavy's Error 404 page. Also created the bottom two ad units.
Heavy Homepage Adverstising - Get Smart advertising on Heavy's Homepage. Also integrated Heavy's logo with the client's design assets.
Heavy Homepage Advertising - Nokia advertising on Heavy's Homepage. Also integrated Heavy's logo with the client's design assets.
Basketball Themed User Profile - Designed the user profile background and widgets for burlysports.com users.
Racecar Themed User Profile - Designed the user profile background and widgets for burlysports.com users.
Heavy 2007-08