Not professional 3D modelling, please forgive me.

A re-design concept for Roku Player. I do it in a futuristic way, which is completely different to the existing Roku Player model. Instead of having a box like form, which most of the digital player looks.

The name of it come from the the weird concept of mine. I wanted this gadget feels alive, which is similar to a adorable little creature which lives with the user and help them in daily life. Hope to make consumer feel for them and get involve.

I also believe this would be the new trend. Take gaming gadget as an example, it's market is also running forward to cool looks or futuristic theme, like Razer blade. From what I see, beside quality ,consumer are now looking for cool design and unusual design for their digital device. Which visually satisfy them and feel cool about it.

Martin Poon
Product Design Student Hong Kong, Hong Kong