Ecos: Packaging for the Earth-Friendly Products - The concept was to create an environmentally healthy aspect to laundry products by client: Ecos. Their ordinary containers were screaming for a unique look.
Research: Market Comparison - The clients' line of laundry products was first studied, then compared to other earth-friendly packaging in the market. Observation proved the Eco line to blend into the rest of its' kind.
Concepts: Brainstorm & Development - Ideas began as bottles & single packages. They became redundant until sketches & forms developed the idea for the final concept: reusable or refillable bottles, 3 in 1, all durable, but recyclable plastics. The solution was not only Eco-friendly, but also money saving.
Concept: Final - The package is a dispenser unit for softener, bleach, & detergent. It would come with 3 measuring cups for each liquid.
Concept: User & Market Integration - The sphere refill bottles would be sold by the 3 liquids, all made of recyclable plastics, & easy to replace in dispenser unit.
Marlen Chaidez
Product Design Oak Park, IL