Friends in Jew Town, Mattencherri, Kochi - These are photographs I took in various places of animals and dead fish. Look closely at the pics and you will see what we are doing to this planet.
My late friends in Arambol - These are photographs I took in various places of animals and dead fish. Look closely at the pics and you will see what we are doing to this planet.
My friend in Padang Bai - These are photographs I took in various places of animals and dead fish. Look closely at the pics and you will see what we are doing to this planet.
My friend in West Bali - These are photographs I took in various places of animals and dead fish. Look closely at the pics and you will see what we are doing to this planet.
My friend somewhere in Bali - These are photographs I took in various places of animals and dead fish. Look closely at the pics and you will see what we are doing to this planet.
My Friends

These are photographs of animals and dead fish which I came across and made friends with for they represent the true nature of God. They take only what is necessary and leave the rest for the others. Humans, unfortunately, are diametrically opposite :(

Mark Ulyseas
Publisher & Editor of Bali, Indonesia