Geological Sample Collection Pack - This was my major project during my final year of university. My advisor had previously done some work for NASA, was a space fan and very interested in extreme environments. As a result, myself and 2 other students were given the task of developing equipment for Mars. As a group we developed the interior of a rover (basically a motor home for Mars). And individually detailed a particular product or activity. My focus was geological sample collection, in particular a sample collection pack.
Pack Features - A sample collection pack designed for use on the surface of Mars. In addition to the constraints imposed by the extreme martian environment, size and weight were major concerns. For this reason, the pack is constructed of a variety of lightweight materials. The main body is molded polyurethane coated foam that maintains its shape when in use, but can be compressed during storage. The pack mounts to the astronauts leg with the use of mating cast titanium male and female connectors.
Use Scenario - Should we ever make it to Mars, gathering samples for scientific study would be very important. As time spent on the surface would be at such a premium, the crew objectives and tasks for a particular outing would be very specific and pre-planned. Illustrated here is a potential use scenario of collecting geological samples.
Exploded View
General Assembly Drawing
Appearance Model
Concept Sketches
Mars Geological Sample Collection Pack
Freelance, Full-time
Mark Simmons
Industrial Designer Toronto, Canada