Furnished.PRO Branding & User Interface design - I was approached by the fine people at Furnished.PRO. They were in the final development phase of their reservations system for property owners. Their current look was put together ad-hoc during development and they felt their user interface looked inconsistent. The general consensus was that the public facing pages and overall company image needed a more polished and business-like appearance, giving visitors a stronger identity with which to associate the words Furnished.PRO.
Concrete Indians Promo 2010 - I was honored to have been asked by Nadya Kwandibens of RedWorks Studio to design the Spring/Summer promo for Concrete Indians 2010. Concrete Indians is a portraiture series and exploration of Indigenous collective identity in the Urban setting.
Nav Canada Annual Report - NAV CANADA, the country’s civil air navigation services provider, is a private sector, non-share capital corporation financed through publicly traded debt. With operations coast to coast, NAV CANADA provides air traffic control, flight information, weather briefings, aeronautical information services, airport advisory services and electronic aids to navigation. We were approached to design and layout the 2008 Annual Report. It involved meticulous handling of typography, as well as photography from locations across Canada.
LPS-AVIA - Branding - As the largest independent Canadian air transport consulting firm, LPS-AVIA Consulting has “earned it’s wings” on more than 200 of the most challenging and rewarding projects across North America, Europe and Asia including 75 in northern Circumpolar Regions. For this diverse customer, we were retained to develop a new corporate brand which included a corporate identity package, brochures, trade show displays and a website.
Indian Joe - Branding - We were retained to develop a look and feel for this small aboriginal design company that is located in North Bay, Ontario. The client wanted to reflect the image of the old west and as a result both masthead and the logo were hand lettered for authenticity. This project included photography and illustration work. The brochure and collateral materials have served as an effective and well-received marketing tool.
Canadian Museum of Civilization - Mercury Series Re-brand - The Canadian Museum of Civilization approached us to develop a new look for their Mercury Series of publications. This included updating their look with a new logo for the series. The challenge was to design a layout that could be easily adapted to any book title. The new cover and logo were well received by the staff. The new brand allows their in-house designers to easily layout and design other book titles with ease.
Canadian Health & Lifestyle Magazine - Canadian Health & Lifestyle magazine provides valuable topics on health to contribute to a healthy lifestyle that busy Canadians are seeking. Canadian Health & Lifestyle is published 4 times a year with a total distribution of 1,600,000 nationally. I was one of two designers that were responsible for the layout and design of each issue. This work was completed while at Maximum 60 Design Communications.
Earth Rangers - Brochure - The Earth Rangers is an organization dedicated to teaching children about wild animals, the environment and alternative energy sources. It was our task to create a corporate brochure which displays the Earth Rangers environmental philosophies in a simple and pictorial manner. This brochure was intended for the general public as well as potential corporate investors.
First Nations Confederacy of Cultural Education Centres – Marketing - The First Nations Confederacy of Cultural Education Centres is a unified voice that leads in the preservation and maintenance of First Nations languages, cultures and traditions. The FNCCEC is the national not for profit organization which advocates on behalf of eighty seven First Nations cultural centres and programs which are found across Canada. Our objective was to develop a suite of products for the FNCCEC. This included kit folders, posters and a website.
Lyra Communications - Branding - Lyra Communications is a new boutique writing firm that assists small and mid-sized companies reach their full potential, by offering strategic communication services. Lyra’s principal writer and owner approached me to develop the brand identity for her new company. This included collateral materials, corporate stationary and a website.
Print Design
Mark Rutledge CGD
Designer Whitehorse, Canada