Elements and Principles

For this project we had to show what the element is and do. For example for the element form I gave the word what it is such as making the word in a third dimension. We used all of the elements of design such as space, shape, form, texture, color, value,and line. I also used all of the principles of design that are emphasis, balance, rhythm, pattern, contrast, proportion, and unity. All of the listed elements and principles will create an art composition. In order to complete this project we had to use Adobe Illustrator which is a vector based program. Some of the tools that I had to use was the shape tool to create shapes and with those shapes I wrote the word shape. I also had to use the selection tool to move whichever word around and the pencil tool to make the curve lines for the word form. My favorite and fun part was to make all of the principles of design because it is more organised and it attracts the viewer’s eye from the top to the bottom.

Marilyn Ruiz
Photographer New York, NY