Mariasole Nervegna Italy, 1994 Self-Portrait (Synthesis) 2014/2015 Serigraph on paper 27x40 cm Academy of Fine Arts, Rome
Mariasole Nervegna Italy, 1994 Self-Portrait (Synthesis) 2014/2015 Serigraph on paper and fabric 27x40 cm Academy of Fine Arts, Rome
Mariasole Nervegna Italy, 1994 Self-Portrait (Synthesis) 2014/2015 Serigraph on paper and fabric 27x40 cm Academy of Fine Arts, Rome
Mariasole Nervegna Italy, 1994 Self-Portrait (Synthesis) 2014/2015 Serigraph on paper and fabric 27x40 cm Academy of Fine Arts, Rome
Mariasole Nervegna Italy, 1994 Self-Portrait (Synthesis) 2014/2015 Serigraph on paper and fabric 35x50 cm Academy of Fine Arts, Rome
Mariasole Nervegna Italy, 1994 Self-Portrait (Synthesis) 2014/2015 Serigraph on paper and fabric 35x50 cm Academy of Fine Arts, Rome
Mariasole Nervegna Italy, 1994 Self-Portrait (Synthesis) 2014/2015 Serigraph on paper and fabric 35x50 cm Academy of Fine Arts, Rome
Mariasole Nervegna Italy, 1994 Self-Portrait (Synthesis) 2014/2015 Serigraph on paper and fabric 35x50 cm Academy of Fine Arts, Rome

The best artists (Picasso, Modigliani, Rembrandt ...) have always been fascinated by the features of a face, to capture, they themselves, both for the sake of being able to tell something, through painting, engraving (etc ..)as in a photograph, . And it is on this that I want to focus: how famous artists (or not) want to tell something through the portrait. Everyone plays with the body in his own way. Picasso, for example, across different periods (from the Blue period to Cubism), Modigliani with his elongated bodies and faces almond loved to tell the sinuous and the orange colour of the skin of a woman, Rembrandt depicted in bizarre poses and high class clothes, Van Gogh, the impressionis, wove colours, Frida Kahlo told herself, surreally, her life, and so on ...
The body creates other bodies, is short, it is a book on which you can write, is a sheet where to be repainted; the body is infinite, as infinite is the way to tell it, to imagine it and pass it down.

Mariasole Nervegna
Student of Academy of Fine Arts Roma, Italy