Balance,2014. i made this image into a sepia tone using the red filter.
Size and Scale, 2014. This shows size and scale because it is comparing the size of a child's had to a grown man's hand. In photoshop I used the darker filter after i turned the photo black and white.
Movement,2014.I added the lighter filter in photoshop.
Emphasis,2014. Color Adjustments in Color-Cyan I made the flower stand out more when using the cyan tool and blended the other flowers to look more natural.
8th Photo,2014. This photo shows texture in the walkway, Line in between the bricks, Pattern and Repetition throughout the walkway, and balance when you cut the picture in half. Hue +2 Saturation +3
Unity, 2014. This picture shows unity because all of the pedals of the flower are able to come together in the center. Saturation +29 Lightness -11
Contrast,2014. This is showing contrast because there is a variety of textures and shapes being shown. Hue +2 Stauration +56 Lightness -10
Pattern,2014. This picture shows pattern and repetition because the same colors and patterns are repeating themselves throughout the picture. Hue -4, Saturation +30 Lightness 0
Principles of Design

The different arrangements or compositions of the elements of design to create artist interesting more visually powerful photographs.

Pattern- element that occurs over and over in a composition
Emphasis- in a composition refers to developing points of interest
Balance- sense of stability in the body of work
Unity- is seen when all parts equal a whole
Contrast- Refers to opposites and differences in the work
Movement- Adds excitement to work by showing action
Size and Scale- showing how large or small something is

Mariah Faria
Student Sparta Township, NJ