Soaring Flying, 2014. One time is the olden days a young lad named Matthew just wanted to get away from the struggles of life. His life consisted of fighting with different people in his family, or listening to his family members fight with each other. So one day Matthew was searching in his backyard, and found a beautiful red umbrella, he opened the umbrella, and like a fairytale, the wind blew him away up into the clouds to live a happy life somewhere else.
Scary Storm,2014. Mike was only 16 years old, alone in the woods, just trying to find a way to live on his own. Terrified of the real wold, Mike would lever leave the simplicity of the woods that he began to know inside and out. Although Mike thought he knew everything about the woods, one day a surprising storm swept in and was able to blow Mike off his feet, and the only thing Mike could do to stay in the comfort of his woods was to grab onto the closest tree and hang on for dear life. Mike continued to hang on this tree until the storm finally passed after three very long hours. Because Mike was able to survive this storm, he thought he could do anything, and eventually left the woods, and began to explore the real world.

This has heightened my creativity by realizing that pictures can still look realistic even when there is so much photoshop and editing involved. This also makes me think about all the different possible different things to do in pictures, rather then just taking a picture of whats actually in the shot.

Mariah Faria
Student Sparta Township, NJ