Life Goes On, 2014. A student at this school just recently pasted, and although the girl who died is still stuck in the moment of her death, everyone else is already moving on. In photoshop I turned the ghost black and white and used the lighter affect.
Love Doesn't Die, 2014. This photo is about how a young couple fell in love, and would always come and hide in their secret spot in the woods together. Un-expectantly, the girl in this relationship passed, and her boyfriend always comes back to their spot in the woods where he is always able to find her. In photoshop, I turned the ghost black and white, and used to darker filter with the opacity tool.
Still Hanging On,2014. This is about a girl who is afraid to find out what will happen is she tries to do something new, or if she lets go, or the life she has always known. Since this girl is afraid she is still holding on. In photoshop I adjusted the brightness and contrast and used the magic wand tool to select the person.
Swinging,2014. Ashley climbed this huge tree, and she just realized that she is afraid of heights, and now is afraid to come down and is just sitting in the tree. In photo shop I cropped the person using the magic wand tool, and adjusted the hue and saturation of the photo.
Depth of Field

Aperture: Is the unit of measurement that defines the size of the opening in the lens that can be adjusted to control the amount of light reaching the film.
Depth of Field: Is the amount of distance between the nearest and farthest objects that appear in acceptably sharp focus in a picture.

Mariah Faria
Student Sparta Township, NJ