This self promo utilizes the pun having "all your ducks in a row" in which case I am the duck in the row you are missing.
Each box is delivered via the mail to the creative industry I choose and contains a letter indicating what it is I am seeking to accomplish by sending the box, (employment, freelance opportunity, portfolio review etc..) also inside is a broken row of ducks, in the space between the broken row is my logo and on the bottom of each duck is also my logo attached via a sticker. The inside flap of the box then answers the statement posed
on the front of the box which "Let me help you..." "Get all your ducks in a row"
There is also a smaller follow up box, pictured in the overall photo, that contains another duck. This is the missing duck to the row of ducks that was received in the mail prior to meeting me personally. This box is obtained after our interview, portfolio review, etc. as a sort of leave behind/ thank you.

This self promo utilizes the pun having "all your ducks in a row" in which case I am the duck in the row you are missing.
Each box is delivered via the mail to the creative industry I choose and contains a letter indicating what it is I am seeking to accomplish by sending the box, (employment, freelance opportunity, portfolio review etc..) also inside is a broken row of ducks, in the space between the broken row is my logo and on the bottom of each duck is also my logo attached via a sticker. The inside flap of the box then answers the statement posed
on the front of the box which "Let me help you..." "Get all your ducks in a row"
There is also a smaller follow up box, pictured in the overall photo, that contains another duck. This is the missing duck to the row of ducks that was received in the mail prior to meeting me personally. This box is obtained after our interview, portfolio review, etc. as a sort of leave behind/ thank you.