Self portrait. oil on canvas. detail. full canvas size 50x60cm
Departure. oil on canvas. 100x120cm. 2011
Basckets and puppets. oil on canvas 54x55cm
spring still life. oil on plywood. 70cm x 40cm
Model in hussar's costume. oil on canvas. detail. full canvas size 75x90cm
Young man in black scarf. oil on canvas. 60x75cm
Portrait of young japanese woman in traditional costume. oil on canvas 65x73cm
Sunflower field in Ukraine. oil on canvas 20x40cm
Portrait of young woman in black. oil on canvas. detail. full canvas size 60x90cm
still life with bottle and african mask, oil on plywood

painting - portraits, still lifes, landscapes

Maria Chumak
fashion design faculty at Institute of Fashion Technology Paris, France