A "Silver screen" game remake for

I was invited to participate in an art test for remaking an existing game.
Inspired by "candy juicy vibes" of King's games I decided to choose a jam jar as an element of this game. Some jars have caps and labels on them, others don't. As an example I put some jars which don't have their caps and they have one solid color without labels. We can see their bottlenecks. So when color shifting is correct - jars caps jump off and jars labels disappear. In this case the absence of a cap is an additional a?cent so we can detect one-color jars even more easily. Speaking about special effects - I had time enough only to create and animate one special effect - when jam jars explode we can see splashes of some fruit and colored elements (as if they were supposed to be inside these jars). Actually these fruit elements could even swim inside the jars by default. For example, in a jar with a yellow label - some lemon pieces could be floating, in a jar with a pink label - some cherries etc.

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Freelance, Full-time, Moonlighting
Maria Chuhrova
2D Animator, Illustrator Moscow, Russia