Foursome pictures formatted as a magazine cover given away after the tournament
Template for golf ball box
Brochure and registration
Brochure and registration
Special raffle ticket to win a golf club
"Don't Drink and Drive" raffle ticket, raffling off a large tub of alcohol!
Thanking our sponsors with an ad at the end of the tournament
Save the Date postcard
Mulligans ticket
Golf Tournament branding

Objective: Golf tournament to benefit the Meals on Wheels program
Deliverables: Brand identity, signage, posters and direct mail and marketing, e-marketing, social media, web banners and table tents, cart cards, lunch and gift stickers, Mulligans, Program booklet and giveaways,
Photography at event, identify and label foursomes on the spot and place in magazine format to print and present as the foursome photo.
Results: In its fifteenth year, over one hundred
and twenty five people attend every year, with
a net profit of up to $50,000 per year.

Freelance, Full-time
Maria Cheema
Graphic Design and Marketing Professional South Windsor, CT