Shoe Repair - I really wanted to take a picture of him because his expression was so "real" but I was afraid he would refuse. After a long time of reflection, I decided to pluck up courage. I asked him and with a huge smile he simply answered "yes". I was so surprised (because of my fear of rejection) and really glad. I noticed his upbringing by taking off his hat (without me asking him to). I took it as a sign of respect, integrity and a desire to please me.
Friends - I went to my friend's house during a week end in New Jersey. We wanted to go swimming, yet it was too cold outside. We decided just to walk by the sea. Suddenly, I saw those two men, fishing, near by a panel "Good Friends, Fresh Coffee, Jumping Sha(?).... Priceless". It was SO appropriated for this time. I decided to shoot it ... simply powerful at my eyes.
Peace - At Greenpoint, BK
Manhattan Laundry
B & W photos