The application of what was identified as an essence of the style was carefully dosed. Setting up a classification on the importance of different visual features was carried throughout a research based on surveys. In the final result, the hierarchy of visual aspects presents as follows: Shape> Colour> Positioning> Texture> Lighting. These influenced the designing stage by setting the priorities and aspects to emphasize in the design. As an example the shape and colour are the most important, therefore almost the whole bicycle is covered with the theme colour and it has a slim, alien-like shape. However, the texture is not as significant, so it appears in a limited amount. (Copyright © Bournemouth University 2012. All rights reserved.)
(Copyright © Bournemouth University 2012. All rights reserved.)
NA'VI 650S

The aim of the project was to research through the topic of design semiotics and methods of applying these. It has resulted in picking the key elements from what makes the style of Avatar movie and converting these into a design of the bicycle.

Marcin Goralczyk
Industrial Designer Bournemouth, United Kingdom