Photoshop Photoshop from Mara Luetgers Photoshop Happy Hour Poster Print Catering Advertisement Poster Print Take-Out Tuesday Advertisement Poster Print Mexican Fried Ice Cream Poster Print Fajita Wednesday Advertisement Poster Print Margarita Flavors Poster Print Paradiso's eClub Advertisement Poster Pen Tool, Coloring Page for our Shrine Circus Coloring Book 5x7 Print, Winter Drink Advertisement 5x7 Print, Late Night Food and Drink Specials Advertisement 5x7 Print, Dine to Donate Advertisement 5x7 Print, BOGO Burrito Monday Advertisement 5x7 Print, Tequila Advertisement 5x7 Print, Long Island Iced Tea Flavors Advertisement 5x7 Print, Catering Advertisement Added myself into one frame multiple times For my web design class we are designing some pages on a bank. This one is the home page. This is a subpage for the Home Federal Bank. This is another subpage of the Home Federal Bank. 4x6 Print, Groom's Dinner Invite 5x7 Print, Wedding Reception Invite 5x7 Print, Bridal Shower Invite 5x7 Print, Bridal Shower Invite 5x7 Print, Bridal Shower Invite 7x5 Print, Save the Date 7x5 Print, Save the Date Typography 5x7 Print, Wedding Dinner Menu This is a before and after image of a photo I recreated of my grandfather with his siblings and mother. gLike Photoshop Graphic Design Creative Suite Typography Photoshop Share R 7 n Mara Luetgers Graphic Designer Alexandria, MN Follow Contact