"Limes and Brushes". 16x20 Oil on canvas. Chopsticks? No, I actually found out they are Chinese paint brushes. This painting took a long time but taught me much about color vibrancy and patience.
"My Colorado Sunset". 16x20 Oil on canvas. This was the first landscape I ever painted. I chose to paint from a photo I shot while riding bicycles with my family behind our house. It might look like any old sunset to you, but to me it is my home and many memories.
"First Still Life". 12x16 Oil on canvas. My first question was: "what is a 'still life'??" The teacher gave an explanation and said for us to start painting! Over the next 20 hours, I found out why painting a still life setup is a great project. The challenge: seeing 3D objects, painting 2D, and trying to make it appear 3D. Go for it!
The Color of Nature & Still Life: Other Oil Paintings.

God created the world with endless variation. People are usually my preference to paint, but other still life objects and landscapes also beg to be captured on canvas.

Mandi Larkins
Studio Artist Longmont, CO