Circles are my favorite motif
Acryl paint on canvas 50"x50"
Acryl on canvas - made this one for my mom
Sunflower on Canvas, Contracted work
Painting of Liberty Torch Fence - Original made with acrylic on canvas, Customer request
Painting Acryl on Canvas 1mx1m
Christmas Card
Photo Enhancement
Pencil Sharpener reconstructed - Image of a reconstructed black and white photo of an ancient pencil sharpener, which worked great, I had one once! Was reconstructed in Illustrator, layer by layer, path by path, anchor point by anchorpoint!
Calendar "Monuments and Pattern" - School Project (InDesign/Quark X-Press)
Menu page - Computer generated menu page for school, (Illustrator Class). The idea was a restaurant where only dishes are served which can be eaten with a fork. Since there are so many different forks to eat with I tried to come up with different dishes to eat. The name of the restaurant is "Forke", which means fork in english.
Christmas Card - Christmas Card which I made in Illustrator for last years holiday season.
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Mural for Preschool Volunteer Work
Vacation Photo, View onto the Alhambra
Vacation Photo Barcelona
Wedding Photo
Wedding Photo
Vacation Photo Würzburg, Germany
Vacation Photo Sevilla, Spain
Bathroom Makeover (School Project)
Hobby and School
Melissa Jefferson
Textile/ Graphic Designer Springfield, VA