Lakme Fashion Week Fall Winter: Look - IMG wanted to start a new initiative by combining fashion with art, (where there will be an art show at the fashion week), for Lakme Fashion Week. Therefore the theme for the show was watercolour abstract forms inspired from fashion. It was a superb team project with lots of hard work and fun.
Lakme Fashion Week Fall Winter: Walls
Lakme Fashion Week Fall Winter: Show Pases (all days)
Lakme Fashion Week Fall Winter: Passes, Day One
Lakme Fashion Week Fall Winter: Official Passes
Auto Art: Back - Auto Art is a surrogate product/ service concept for a brandy that is targeted at the lower income group, specially the auto drivers in the southern India. The idea was to give a make over to a select number of autos with a public message about hazards of drinking/ traffic, in the local street language supported by the street graphics. Thus the brand would have visibility wherever the auto traveled.
Auto Art: Side + Detail - It was a fun project in terms of experience. I got to know various things from the drinking habits of consumers to how they buy one peg across the counter and that they are served snacks on the shop counters it self. I also spent hours with the auto drivers and guys who stitch hoods in garages. Had to figure out the material for the hood and how to get it printed. After doing the autos, we also extended the graphics across collaterals.
Auto Art
Lakme Fashion Week Spring Summer: Look - Carrying forward the theme of the previous season, this season was all about shadows, flora and fauna, though still keeping it a ittle abstract and more like art pieces.
Lakme Fashion Week Spring Summer: Walls
Lakme Fashion Week Spring Summer: Show Passes
Lakme Fashion Week Spring Summer: Day Passes
Lakme Fashion Week Spring Summer: Official's Passes
Maithili Doshi
Art and Design Consultant, Speaking Tiger Books New Delhi, India