Cardboard boxes. - An illustration on response to the topic 'modify' for Illustration Friday. Modified cardboard boxes = the perfect disguise. :]
Flamingo love. - A little valentines inspired illustration.
Mister squirrel.
Monster tango. - An illustration in response to the topic 'tango' for Illustration Friday.
Upcycled Jewellery. - An illustration created to accompany an article about silversmithing in Amelia's Magazine.
Two of Hearts for Amelia's Magazine. - My submission for the Two of Hearts open brief for Amelia's Magazine.
Lazy frog. - An illustration in response to the topic 'idle' for Illustration Friday.
Little lovebug.
A monster hug.
Essie Jain.
Iced biscuits.
Rainbow rain.
Time for tea.
Madi .
Bournemouth, United Kingdom