Title: Library Location, Corner of the Media Center, 2014. The medium is graphite pencil. The original piece 12"x18" 1 Pt Perspective is an approximate representation, on a flat surface (such as paper), of an image as it is seen by the eye with a 1 pt. vanishing point.
Title: Book Still Life, 2014 The medium is graphite pencil on paper. The size is 9"x12" 2 Point Perspective is where two vanishing points are used and all horizontal lines converge to one of the two points.
Phone, Iron, and Pail, 2014. The medium is graphite pencil on paper. The size is 9"x12" Value is defined as the relative lightness or darkness of a color. Space pertains to the use of areas in two-dimensional space that can be defined by edges. Spaces can be geometric (e.g., square, circle, hexagon, etc.) or organic (such as the shape of a puddle, blob, leaf, etc), as well as positive or negative depending on the image itself. Technique affects an artist's work in which the application of the technique can enhance or hinder the artwork itself. For example, using the technique behind different types of graphite with different pressures applied while drawing creates value. By applying the techniques in value, the artwork looks more realistic and has depth and shadows. Without applying techniques, the artwork would remain flat and lack the realistic feel it gives to its viewers.
intermediate drawing and painting

Two-dimensional art consists of paintings, drawings, prints, and photographs, which differ from each other primarily in the technique of their execution.

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Madeline Abatemarco
Photography Student Jersey City, NJ