Panorama 1, this landscape is in a barren, abandoned development due to a zombie apocalypse where the character must get to the next safe zone without being infected with the disease. The character is going down the road on the side of the image in order to get further through the level to reach a safe zone to restock on ammo and goods.
Panorama (Artist's Choice). This image is in a marshy landscape, where there are barren trees that once were full of life but from recent fires are extinguished and now left dead-looking. The character has to use the trees to their advantage in order to see the landscape and hide in the grass from their opponents in order to survive. Where the character is going is through the marsh in order to make it further through the level, and must climb the trees to get an overview of where they are.
Reward Points, this reward point allows the character to gain a new skill with the rope in order to get further through the level and make it to the next stage.
Reward point (Artist's Choice), this flag is a checkpoint and also gives the character an extra life.
Game Art

Depth of field (DOF) is the distance between the nearest and furthest objects that appear in focus in the camera. DOF can be altered through the camera lens, and a shallow depth of field results in a specific object in focus with its surroundings blurry. A deep depth of field keeps more things in focus and crisper in the photograph itself, and it is often used for landscapes. Photographs that exhibit a good example of depth of field are close-ups that often use the macro setting, or landscapes that are all in focus.

Madeline Abatemarco
Photography Student Jersey City, NJ