"Skating" is a 100 inch long maze puzzle which was printed on thin Japanese paper and attached to wood scroll handles I created especially for this project. "Skating" is the first in what I plan to be a series of puzzles in the scroll format. Sixteen others have already been created and are ready for printing.
"Little Superheroes: A Day at the Beach" is the first in what is projected to be a continuing series of graphic novels about a group of children with superpowers. The series is aimed at younger children but I hope it's wit and satire will attract older audience.
"Labyrintos: Quest for the Krock" is an experimental draft of a "interactive", non-linear, illustrated story where the reader chooses "paths". The project is still in its development stages.
"Book Maze 3" is a maze that takes the entire book to solve. Players begin at the front cover and try to find their way to the end, which is the back cover. This is projected to be a series.
"Pattern Squares" is a new type of visual puzzle that I created to complement the two classic puzzles: the crossword and the sudoku. While the crossword is a verbal trivia puzzle and the sudoku is a numerical puzzle, the Pattern Square is a visual puzzle. The puzzle is test the players visual intelligence. The book is a collection of 100 square puzzles. It is ready for printing.
This is one of several presentation posters I created for my architectural studio class.
portfolio: design

My design portfolio consists of samples from a variety of projects I have been developing. These projects include illustrated children's stories and graphic novels, visual puzzles books and scrolls, and various illustrations from my blog.

Maciek Jozefowicz
Artist, Illustrator, Designer, Writer Tacoma, WA