The purpose of this project was to find a link between industrial design and Mexican crafts to revive indigenous customs and give it the value to what is handmade and traditional cultures of the country.

Mixing of a rocking chair for his feet ending in arches, and a stool, because it is small and for one person. Manufactured from kiln dried pine wood and yarn embroidery on top attached with wikarika wax.

There is a habit, "kneeling women give birth at home alone on a mat, no one can help them and they can not take anything for pain."
According to the iconography wixarika, the circle is the representation of women, life, infinity, inner peace and also represents the Goddess of the Moon, which in turn is in charge of women and fertility. The trapezoid-shaped stool, gives the meaning of the baby inside the woman swaying and rocking like a baby in the womb.
