Product family in three levels of injected polypropylene molded, retractable design for splicing and save space, ionized iron enamelled powder as a support. The family consists of a bed that includes three 15cm latex futon, a cutlery organizer and a shelf for the bath.

The social housing units have one or two rooms where they live an average of 4 persons (father, mother and two children) and pets, but usually live from 2 to 7 persons. So we decided to create furniture that was economical, attractive and practical. Surveys conducted in the metropolitan area of ??Guadalajara, and based on the responses, we decided to focus our market, to young couples looking to make their own home and furnish it to their liking, using every available space.

Most of these people often suffer from lack of space, because they usually come from a rented house and already had furniture (whether purchased or inherited) and they take all to their new home. Our user wants to have useful and nice things at reasonable prices and buy only when they need it, because their monthly incomes are n ($ 3,000 - $ 6,000 Mexican pesos). When they need to furnish their home, they opt for a budget option or establishments with offer payment facilities, like Coppel, Famsa or Electra.


Kitchen: cutlery organizer

Aplication to the environment


Shelf for the bath

Aplication to the environment


Folding Tri-bed

Folding Tri-bed

Aplication to the environment
